December 11th, 2008, 08:30 AM This guide is for editing FAT16/FAT32, NTFS, ext2/ext3, JFS, ReiserFS, and XFS filesystem partition labels.
There are 6 programs used to label a partition - the program used depends on the partition's filesystem type:
For FAT16 and FAT32 partitions, use mtools.
For NTFS partitions, use ntfsprogs.
For ext2 or ext3 partitions, use e2label.
For JFS partitions, use jfs_tune.
For ReiserFS (v3) partitions, use reiserfstune.
For XFS partitions, use xfs_admin
By default, external drives automount at /media/disk then /media/disk-1 and so on. This is not very helpful when trying to find the drive you are looking for, especially if you have multiple devices plugged in.
Labeled devices that automount will be mounted in the /media directory using their label as the mount point, /media/
If you want the root user can login with gdm (gnome display manager) you must configure your ubuntu login window, go to security tab and check Allow local system administrator login
Accessing photos and music in the Mobile Phone Ubuntu Linux
She was looking for a way to transfer the files (pictures, music, ringtones, etc.) of the cell for the pc and vice versa. Although it had not found anything in Linux for that. Until had seen the gnokii, but it only serves to synchronize the calendar.I have a Nokia 6230 connected via cable DKU-2 (usb). These instructions have been tested with this equipment. The linux is the Ubuntu Dapper - 6.06.
Update Package
The software that we use makes use of libfuse. But the libfuse which comes in Ubuntu Dapper is defasada therefore we have to update it. In the terminal, enter:
sudo sh-c "echo deb dapper multiverse>>/etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
That must update its package libfuse to version 2.5.3 or higher. For more information about this archive, please visit
Adjusting the libusb
To access the phone via cable DKU-2, it is necessary to root. To avoid this, and can access it as a normal user, we have to make a small change in the /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules. In the terminal, enter:
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules Look for a line containing:
SUBSYSTEM == "usb_device", MODE = "0664"
And a substitute for:
SUBSYSTEM == "usb_device", GROUP = "plugdev", MODE = "0664" Save and
close the gedit.
Installing the packages
The software that we use is the openOBEX, which signal, already exists in Ubuntu Dapper. The problem is that the version that comes with it is too old and there is no support for the newest models of mobile phone.It is necessary then download the most current version of openOBEX and compile. To avoid the retrabalho, I did this and gerei three files. Deb, which can be installed without major difficulties. Baixem the files to follow in a temporary folder:
In the terminal, go to the folder where you saved and enter:
sudo apt-get remove libopenobex-1.0-0 # remove the version that comes with the dapper
sudo dpkg-i *. deb # install the three packages downloaded
Execute the following commands in the terminal:
sudo mknod-m 666 /dev/fuse c 10 229
sudo gedit /etc/rc.local
In that opened editor, add this line at the end of the file (before the line "exit 0" if any):
mknod-m 666 /dev/fuse c 10 229
Save and close the file.
Connect the phone. Run the command (in the terminal):
Obexftp-u 0-l # L tiny
He should return an exit (XML) of the folders inside the cell. In my case, the output was as follows:
If USB setup permissions does not work in udev or run as superuser. Connecting done ... Receiving "(null)" ... \ Done Disconnecting ... done
If in your case the output was similar, then tá everything right. Let us for the next step. Otherwise, you should review the steps. Can I ask, too. Inside of my possibilities can help.
Finally, we adjust the fstab so that we can mount a "virtual disk" with the contents of the cell. In the terminal, enter:
Linux don't say executable file from the extension but from the attributes. if you will make the executable file you must set its attributes to allow executable by type chmod +x or check Allow executing file as programin properties window